Download BitComet Free Share Download File Very Quickly


Download BitComet Free Share and Download Files Very Quickly

BitComet is a quick and simple-to-use download client (BitTorrent / HTTP / FTP). It is a free peer-to-peer file-sharing tool that uses one of the most popular peer-to-peer protocols for high-speed distribution.

BitComet supports concurrent downloads, DHT tracker-less systems, download lines, downloads defined in the BitTorrent package, speed, hard drive streaming, speed constraints, automated slot design, proxies, and IP filtering.

Download BitComet Free Share and Download Files Very Quickly
Download* BitComet Free Share and Download Files Very Quickly

Download BitComet Free 2024 – Features

  • Sowing a long time ago: Increasing loading speed and rejuvenating the dormant torrent.
  • Torrent Share: While downloading, exchange torrents.
    URI Magnets: Use the DHT network to begin downloading BitTorrent without torrent files.
  • While downloading, you can preview: During the download, you may see previews of .avi, .rmvb, .wmv, and other video files.
  • Download Crose Protocol: Use HTTP/FTP/eMule download sources when downloading BitTorrent.
  • Align the file to bit boundaries: It is preferable to make BitTorrent completely compatible with previous versions.
  • Improved Intelligent Connectivity: The initialization is configured to fit your connection type automatically.
  • Smart Memory Cache: The cache is used to lower the read/write frequency of the hard drive, extending the device’s life.
  • Reduce disk fragmentation using smart disk allocation.
  • Start downloading BitTorrent without connecting to any tracker device using the DHT Network. Download BitComet.
  • Automatic ICF (Internet Connection Firewall) and ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) settings in Windows.
  • Configure the UPnP port: Automatic router configuration (UPnP support is required in the router).
  • Disable or prioritize torrent files: Files can be skipped for download or assigned a higher / lower priority, allowing you to choose the file that finishes first.
  • Multi-tracker, DHT, UTF-8 extension, and UDP tracking protocol V2 are also supported.

📌 Notice: Users are thinking about setting up this ad-supported app.

Download BitComet Free Share and Download Files Very Quickly
Download* BitComet Free Share and Download Files Very Quickly

Technical Details

  • Software name: BitComet
  • Category: Participation Software
  • Version: Latest
  • License: Freeware
  • File size: 17.05 MB
  • Operating Systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11, macOS
  • Languages: 53 Languages
  • Developer: BitComet Team
  • Official website:

Download BitComet Free Share


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