Download Firefox Developer Edition Free for Developers


Download Firefox Developer Edition Free for Developers

Firefox Developer Edition, you can test-drive the most recent tools and features that will soon be included in significant Firefox releases thanks to Firefox Quantum. The foundation of the more recent developer versions is different from that of earlier versions because it is no longer the Aurora channel. They now build their strategy on the beta channel.


Developer Edition of Firefox

The browser is designed for developers and includes all of the most recent developer tools in beta, as well as early access to features like WebSocket Inspector and Multi-line Console Editor. It has a unique route and profile so you can easily run it alongside Firefox Release or Firefox Beta.

Web developer preferences: By default, the dark theme button, the developer toolbar, and remote debugging are all enabled.

Download Firefox Developer Edition Free for Developers
Download Firefox Developer Edition Free for Developers

Key Features

Web developers benefit from the newest Firefox release

In this most recent version of Firefox, there are many fantastic new developer tools to be found. The earlier tools are still available. A CSS grid and a JavaScript debugger, which can be used to create dynamic and complex web layouts, are two of the most well-liked tools.

The Inspector, Console, and Network tabs all come with a ton of new features. The inspector, for instance, can now be used to work with CSS. You can now inspect embedded objects and send group messages using the console.


The engine has been completely redone, and it looks and operates better.

Quantum is a significant advancement for Firefox that significantly outperforms its rivals. This will assist in reintroducing Firefox to the general public. Download Firefox Developer Edition.

Upgraded engine to draw back Firefox users

Firefox is now able to utilize almost all of the CPU cores in your computer thanks to the newest web browser engine. Shortly after you begin using it for browsing, you will notice faster performance.

Better performance was the main objective of this engine, but its privacy features also received improvements. Quantum, for instance, can stop trackers from being used online and guard against privacy invasion.


Fresh design distinguishes the new “Photon” user interface

The interface has a brand-new, more contemporary GUI design. Jagged tabs were abandoned in favor of square tabs. The old master menu has been replaced with a new one that is more efficiently organized.

📌 New tab window features for Firefox Developer Edition include a list of suggested stories and the most popular websites.

Download the Mac version of Firefox Developer Edition as well.

Download Firefox Developer Edition Free for Developers
Download Firefox Developer Edition Free for Developers

Technical Details

  • Category: Internet Browsers
  • Software name: Firefox Quantum
  • License: Open Source
  • File size: 53.4 MB
  • Operating systems: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 in addition to Mac and others
  • Languages: Multilingual
  • Developed by: Mozilla Organization
  • Official website:

Download Firefox Developer Edition Free for Developers


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