Download GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator for Windows & Mac


Download GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator for Windows & Mac

GNS3 is software that simulates complex networks as closely as possible to how real networks work, without the use of specialized network hardware such as routers and switches. It can also be used to test features or configurations that will be deployed on real hardware later.

The software allows you to build, design, and test your network in a risk-free virtual environment, as well as access to the largest networking community for assistance. Whether you’re preparing for your first networking exam or putting together a statewide communications network.D

GNS3 offers a simple method for designing and constructing networks of any size without the need for hardware. The fact that it is totally free and open-source is fantastic! At the conclusion of the explanation, there is a direct link to the official website where you can download it.

Download GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator for Windows & Mac
Graphical Network Simulator for Windows, Mac and Linux

GNS3 Features

  • Create dynamic network maps for troubleshooting and proof-of-concept (POC) testing.
  • To reduce the time it takes to build and operate a production network, test your networks before you build them.
  • Real-time network simulation for pre-release testing without the need for network hardware. Download GNS3 Graphical.
  • It runs an operating system that simulates the real-world behavior of network hardware.
  • Connect GNS3 to any real-world network.
  • Use your existing hardware to expand your existing lab by connecting application topologies directly to it.
  • GNS3 has dedicated topologies and labs for network certification training.
  • This app is the best study tool for aspiring network professionals who want to pursue certifications without having to set up a home lab.
  • In a risk-free virtual environment, we test more than 20 different network vendors.
  • Run and test multiple hardware vendors quickly without requiring any hardware.

📌 It should be noted that Wireshark is required.
✅ Mac and Linux versions are also available.

Download GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator for Windows & Mac
Network Simulator for Windows, Mac and Linux

Technical Details

  • Software name: GNS3
  • Category: Networking Software
  • Version: latest
  • License: Open Source
  • File size: 98.3 MB
  • Core: 32/64-bits
  • Operating Systems: Mac / Linux / Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11
  • Languages: Multilingual
  • Developer: GNS3 Technologies Inc
  • Official website:

Download GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator


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