Mp3tag Metadata Editor Free Download for Windows and Mac


Mp3tag Metadata Editor Free Download for Windows and Mac

Mp3tag It supports ID3v1 / ID3v2.3 / ID3v2.4 / iTunes MP4 / WMA / Vorbis Comments and APE Tags and is a powerful and easy-to-use metadata editing tool for popular audio formats.

It has the ability to rename files based on the tag information, replace letters or words in tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists, and much more.

Mp3tag supports online database searches from sites such as Amazon, Discogs, and FREEP, allowing you to automatically collect relevant tags and cover art for your music collection.

Mp3tag Metadata Editor Free Download for Windows and Mac
Mp3tag Metadata Editor Free Download for Windows and Mac

Mp3tag Features

Change letters or words

Replace strings in file and tag names (with regular expressions supported).

Help with cover art

Make your library shine by downloading and adding album covers to your files.

Purchases from Amazon, Discogs, Freddie, and MusicBrainz

Tags can be saved, written, and imported from online databases such as Amazon, Discogs, Free, MusicBrainz, and others. Mp3tag Metadata Editor.

Export to HTML, RTF, and CSV formats

Create beautiful reports and lists for your team using user-defined templates.

At the same time, change the tag

ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, MP4, WMA, APEv2 Tags, and Vorbis Comments can be added to multiple files at the same time. Mp3tag Metadata Editor Free Download.

Create playlists automatically

While editing, it automatically creates and manages playlists.

Rename files based on tags

Import tags from filenames and rename files based on tag information.

Complete Unicode support

The user interface and markings are fully Unicode compatible.

Mp3tag Metadata Editor Free Download for Windows and Mac
Mp3tag Metadata Editor Free Download for Windows and Mac

Supported audio formats

  • Audio Codec (Lossless) (FLAC)
  • A sophisticated audio codec (aac)
  • (ofr / ofs) OptimFROG
  • Lossless Audio Codec by Apple (alac)
  • AIF (Audio Interchange File Format) (aifc / aiff)
  • Live Digital Audio (dsf)
  • Vorbis Ogg (ogg)
  • Matroska (mca / mkv) format
  • MPEG-4 (mp4 / m4a / m4b / m4v / iTunes) Layer Mpeg 3 (mp3)
  • Musepack (MPC) (MPC)
  • The IETF’s work (authorship)
  • Speex (spx) (spx)
  • Audio Compressor TOMS (TAC)
  • True voice (tta)
  • WAV (wav) (wav)
  • WavPack for Windows Media Audio (wma) (wv)


Technical Details

  • Category: Multimedia Software
  • Program name: Mp3tag
  • Version: The latest
  • License: Free
  • File size: 188 MB
  • Operating systems: all versions of Windows and Mac
  • Core: 32/64-bit
  • Languages: Multilingual
  • Developer: Florian Heidenreich
  • Official website:

Download Mp3tag Metadata Editor Free


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